Create a user account
The first step you’ll have to take is to create a user account? Already have one? You can skip this step and move to the next one.
Join an organisation
After you’ve created a user account, you have two options: joining an existing organisation or creating a new organisation. You will join an existing organisation if an organisation has already been created on the INCYT platform by a coworker or someone else within your business. If you’re the first person within your business to create an account on the INCYT platform for new equipment that you’re about to install, you will have to create a new account.
If you’re joining an existing organisation, you’ll have received an email with an invite to join this organisation. After you’ve created your user account (see step above) you can simply click the ‘accept invite link in this email.
If you need to create a new organisation, you can simply login with your user credentials and select ‘create new organisation’.
If you’re already the admin for an organisation on INCYT, you can invite new members to join your organisation. See this page for a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
Create an application
Your next step will be to create an application on your INCYT Dashboard. Watch the video for the exact steps to follow:
Register a device and link it to an application
After you’ve created an application, you’ll need to register your INCYT device and link it to an application. Watch the video for the exact steps to follow:
Install your device in the field
Your next step will be to install the physical device in its location.Every device has specific parameters that need to be taken into account when installing it, so make sure you check out our page with installation guides and select the device that you’re installing for more information.

Make the most out of your new INCYT device!
Now that your device is installed and working, it’s time to make sure you’ve got your app setup optimised for your situation and you’ve configured all settings, plans and alarms accordingly.
You can find more software guides here. These software guides help you make the most out of your INCYT dashboard and the individual applications.
Can’t find the information you’re looking for? Let us know! We’re constantly adding content to our INCYT academy and would love to know if something that is important to you appears to be missing.
Still have any questions we can help you with?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team via the form below.