Knowing the exact weather conditions across your farm is key in many decision-making processes, with factors such as rainfall, temperature and relative humidity forming an important part of many decisions. Get real-time, farm specific weather data from INCYT’s on-farm network of weather stations and rain gauges, eliminating the need to rely on distant weather stations.
The Maverick Spray Advisory system is a decision support tool designed to enhance your spray efficacy, better manage the risk of drift, and simplify record-keeping. Maverick has been designed with best-practice advice from Craig Day’s advanced spraying courses, aligned to GRDC guidelines and supported by the CRDC.
Maverick Spray Advisory is available for only $2 per month additionally. If you have a weather station with 10 meter inversion tower on your farm, Maverick Spray Advisory will use this data including the inversion detection component. If you only have a weather station but no inversion tower, you can still use Maverick Spray Advisory, but you just won’t have the inversion component displayed to you.
Fuel your operation with INCYT's next generation AgTech products
Browse our weather monitoring and spray advisory solutions