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Sharing Widgets
A video walkthrough of how to securely share INCYT widgets or entire dashboards.
How to calibrate an Ultrasonic Sensor
This brief tutorial is to demonstrate how to calibrate your ultrasonic sensor. If you haven’t done so already, you will need to measure the maximum depth, horizontal cross-area, and maximum volume of the body of water to calibrate the device accurately.
Customise your INCYT map
Personalise your INCYT map by placing points of interest and customising your map pin icons. Watch this brief tutorial to discover how!
How to link an application to a device
This video tutorial will walk you through how to link an application to a device in the INCYT app.
How to register a new device
This video will walk you through the steps to register a new device in the INCYT app.
How to create applications
Demo on how to create applications for your organisation in the INCYT app.
Hay Storage Monitoring
Demo of the INCYT Hay Storage Monitoring application.
Hay Baling Conditions Monitoring
Demo of the INCYT Hay Baling Conditions Monitoring application.
Water Level Monitoring for Flood Irrigation
Demo of the INCYT Water Level Monitoring with Ultrasonic application in the context of flood irrigation.
Frost Monitoring
Demo of the INCYT Frost Monitoring application.
Liquid Level Monitoring
Demo of the INCYT Liquid Level Monitoring applications, for fuel, liquid fertilisers, water etc.
Soil Moisture Monitoring
Demo of the INCYT Soil Moisture Monitoring application.
Creating a User Account
In this video we explain how to can create an INCYT user account. Either because you would like to join an existing INCYT organisation for the first time, or you would like to try and deploy INCYT in your own organisation.
Weather Monitoring
Demo of the INCYT Weather Monitoring with Davis application.
How to manage large collections of applications in INCYT with the Fleet feature.
Maverick Spray Reports
Demo of the spray reports feature in the INCYT Maverick Spray Advisory application.
Adding device details in the INCYT dashboard
This video provides instructions on how to add or update device details in the INCYT dashboard. Adding device details is important as it provides us with information should support be requested, or it may be a requirement if you have purchased these devices under a grant program. These details include device name, installation photo, location and sensor calibration parameters.
Adding device calibration parameters
This video provides instructions on how to add or update device calibration parameters for your installed devices. Adding these parameters will change how the data is represented on the INCYT dashboard. These parameters will also provide us with information should support be requested, or they may be a requirement if you have purchased these devices under a grant program.
How to view historical data
This short video explains how to view data from a week, a month, or even a year ago. Viewing historical data can be useful for identifying trends, or comparing conditions experienced in past seasons. The INCYT dashboard allows you to view a number of different timespans, from a day, through to a year, or even a custom timespan of your own choosing.
Demo Account Tutorial
An introduction to the Demo Account, a demo organisation within the INCYT application that shows you INCYT’s capabilities and how the INCYT app works.
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