I had the pleasure of chatting with a lot of different growers at the recent cotton conference and one of the interesting things for me was to hear how every cotton growing operation works just a bit differently than the next. Not coming from a (cotton) farming background myself, I find it fascinating to see how everyone tackles the same challenge (growing cotton) in their own way in order to optimise results. Something that almost every cotton grower mentioned to me however, is that they’re constantly working on pushing their profitability margins and thinking about where they can gain the ‘next 1%’ in their business.
NNNCO Appoints Voluntary Administrators
You might have recently seen the news that NNNCo has appointed voluntary administrators. NNNCo provides LowRaWan network services to certain areas in Australia, and part of their clientele is in the agricultural sector. This news has caused a bit of confusion and worry with some people, and so I thought it useful to clarify this situation and its consequences a bit further.
INCYT uses its proprietary XR network through the INCYT base stations and as such does not depend on NNNCo’s network, so over 95% of INCYT’s users are not affected by this at all. Only a small number of farmers in Victoria, who were part of the Victorian Government’s Vic IoT grant program in 2021/2022, use INCYT equipment in combination with NNNCo’s network and could potentially be impacted should NNNCo’s administrators decide to shut the network down.
We will be in touch with these affected farmers to share our contingency plan with them in case this does happen; with all INCYT equipment ready to work off of INCYT’s XR network instead of NNNCo’s LowRaWan network and plenty of base stations in stock, we are able to ensure uninterrupted services and a seamless transition for every NNNCo user should this become necessary.
Whilst we are disappointed to see NNNCo enter administration, it does reinforce why INCYT’s strategy of giving farmers ownership of their own XR network through INCYT’s base stations, instead of relying on third parties, is the ideal strategy for Australian farmers. The XR base Station leverages the latest cellular technology with the Telstra LTE-M network instead of relying on niche or legacy network options. It is important for every farming operation that the latest technology is deployed on-farm to minimise the risk of being caught up in issues like the 3G shutdown before the economic life of hardware has exhausted.
If you are currently relying on the NNNCo network and you don’t have INCYT equipment, but you’re interested in creating your own reliable on-farm network and have a complete ecosystem of network and sensor equipment, please get in touch with us. We have created a special offer for these affected users that allows you to transition your on-farm monitoring solution to INCYT with very favourable conditions.